Strategic leadership skills and their impact on organizational commitmenAn exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the General Company for Dairy Products / Iraqi Ministry of Industry
Aim of the research to find out what leadership skills available in General Company for Dairy Products, and knowledge of the relationship and influence between leadership skills and organizational commitment, the use of system the (SPSS) Statistical to get to the results, was chosen General Company for Dairy Products of field research, For being the most important Coefficient in Ministry of Industry and was search Community from (General Manager, Deputy General Manager, head of Department) and the number (85), but the number of questionnaires returned was (72) questionnaire, formulated the hypothesis link the main contact between leadership skills and organizational commitment ramifications of which Three hypotheses subsidiary, as formulated three hypotheses influence between leadership skills and organizational commitment The ramifications of each of the Three sub-hypotheses, the research found that all hypotheses link and influence between the variables and sub is a powerful and significant moral, as recommended by search a number of recommendations most important: to emphasize the importance of leadership skills in the Company plant because of its significant impact in support organizational commitment, a lack of focus on the skill without the other, but the use of all leadership skills at all administrative levels and the intensification of seminars, conferences and training sessions on the themes of leadership skills and organizational commitment, and the emphasis on work teams in order to exchange experiences and skills.